Aging Dog-Tips on How to Maintain a Healthy Life
Aging Dog-They are smart, loyal, and loving companions that we only expect to feed them the best that we have room for. That being said, like all of us, your beloved pet gets older and slower with age. We all know that this happens and with good reason.
Let’s face it, like humans, the process of aging must be tempered with both goodwill and a bit of Chocolate. With the proper love and care, your dog can be perfectly content with the last 10 years of his high-energy lifestyle.
Just as with humans, old age in a dog comes with a laundry list of potential ailments. Presently, I have listed 10 to help you better prepare for this inevitable event.
The table below is a simple way to start preparing for the inevitable. If your dog is a show dog, Veterinarian is the man/woman you want to consult. But for the average pet, here are some things to think about so you can better prepare and not react.
1. Food and eating habits. A significant change in your dog’s eating habits can occur with age. See your veterinarian for the best food for your dog at this time. (If you are changing a food use the attached alternate food for a few days and then return to the previous food.) Some of you may want to consider No Shredded; others may want something a little more filling like Trixie’s. Whatever your pal’s taste is, give her/him smaller amounts until the change is gradual. Monitor Gradual changes in your pet’s eating habits.
Your dog may not want to eat quite so much at one time. For your sake and the safety of your pet organize a proper eating area. Purchase a dog meal or serve your pup a bowl of his/her current food. Set the food down in this area and when your dog does a bowel movement – praise, praise, praise.
2. Boredom/loneliness. Anticipate that your four-legged friend may begin to become a chore to you. If you have to leave your pet alone in the house while you are at work try chained its total day. Dogs that are left alone for long periods may get frustrated and bored. Once this happens zap the lights or ask a sitter to come over during the day to play with the pet. The pet will get used to having a routine and adapting to other family members.
3. Health problems. Do your research to determine the major ailments that face your pet. Once these ailments are identified, get a good amount of exercise for your pooch and try to go for walk every 4 to 6 hours. Your dog mustn’t become obese because this will add years to your dog’s life.
4. Water. We all know how precious water is, be sure to keep your pet’s fresh water available for a longer time. Check the water bowl both day and night. If the pet has a health issue, keep the pet hydrated. When playing with your pet, be sure that you both have access to freshwater. Change the water if it becomes dirty or stale. Also, use a water dish that is spillproof so that you never need to clean that dirty water off your floor.
5. People. While this is a necessary step, you need to introduce your pet to as many people as you can as well. Bring your pet to the vet and let them give vaccinations. In addition, you can try to bring your pet to daycare if your vet doesn’t have any. You can also try to have friends and neighbors come over to play with your pooch every once in a while.
6. Try outdoor cushions and beds. This is an area that many people neglect to think of. There are a myriad of problems that can happen if your dog is crated all day. Your pet may have anxiety from being out in a new environment surrounded by strangers. Your pet could react to the crating which could include excess chewing, barking, and other negative behavior.
7. Get a Vet. When your pet is not there you will need to take into consideration the care of your pet while you are gone. Make sure that your pet has a supply of food and water along with a comfortable place to sleep.
8. Be sure your pet has a microchip. You will need to have ID tags put on their collar. While one company will add a logo to the tag that can be ignored, your pet should have Unique ID tags. These can be purchased at your vet office or a pet store. If your pet is found and accidentally euthanized by any means, the person who found them can use Unique ID tags to locate the owner.