Dog Coughing – What’s wrong?

Dog Coughing – What’s wrong?

Unfortunately, Dog coughing is a common symptom of many diseases that dogs suffer from. Dogs mainly suffered from kennel cough but did you know that it can affect you and your family as well? When a dog coughs, it is usually because they have an upper respiratory tract infection.

Most dogs coughing can be treated by your veterinarian with the use of antibiotics. Another fairly common one is the pinched trachea. The symptoms are a runny nose and/or discharge from the nose and mouth.

This type of cough is similar to a human Pinched Trachea.

Some breeds such as the American Pit Bull Terrier and the English Bulldogs are prone to a condition known as bloat. Bloat can be life-threatening and should be treated as soon as suspected. The stomach turns into a twisted mass, which will block the blood flow, and die in less than 20 minutes.

This condition is caused by the increase in airway fluid, blood flow to the stomach swelling. The increase in airway fluid and swelling of the stomach takes place when the stomach gets bigger. As such, dogs with bloat should be transported in an induced comatose state for transport to the veterinarian.

Stress is another thing that can cause your pet to cough. Stress can be something natural such as going to a new place or entering a new situation, or something unnatural, such as an air-conditioned or heated building, wires, or other mechanical stimulation.

If your dog suddenly begins to cough multiple times in a short time, then there is a good chance that it is experiencing stress. This is evidenced by the fact that your dog is nearly always panting, spacing out, or shaking in its joints.

If you know your dog is sensitive to stress, it is best to take steps to lower the amount of stress that your pet is exposed to. Things like moving to a new home, or going to work all suddenly can be stressful for the animal.


There are several ways to treat this problem with professional help. First and foremost, it is important to take your dog to your veterinarian to be tested for any underlying infections or issues. Your veterinarian can run tests such as blood pressure tests and EKGs. The EKGs are electrocardiographs (trone panels). This test is a specialized electrical impulse image of the heart, it can detect an irregularity in the electrical impulses and the results can be scary.

If your veterinarian suspects a more serious condition such as bloat or torsion then they may order expensive tests such as abdominal X-rays and ultrasounds. Fortunately, most problems can be treated or prevented by performing these tests.

There are some steps that you can take to prevent your dog from being sensitive to the chill. If your dog has trained and has resolved the problem with no adverse effects, you should remove the restraining collar(s) and allow your dog to breathe its normal airway. If your dog’s breathing is becoming more labored, slowly remove the restraining strap. If your dog is suffering from any other concerns, continue to monitor the affected area.

It is very important to avoid exercising your dog immediately before or after the expected episode of heavy coughing. Exercise will trigger excess mucus to work its way into the lungs which feed the cough. By allowing its airway to move naturally, you increase the chance of preventing or reducing its cough.

Adequate rest is required for properly administering medicine. Allow your dog to stay inside of the house after its episode of heavy coughing, taking frequent breaks so that its airway stays clear of mucus and progresses to a more restful state.

If your dog continues to cough, bringing it into your veterinarian’s office is a possible means to help get excess mucus removed or to add medicine in its system to induce vomiting.

Most veterinarians detect and treat additional disorders through physical exams and blood tests often referred to as a “checkup.” While checking the dog’s body, the vet may feel a thickening over the chest, an indication of heart disease. This checkup should continue regularly to help the vet detect a problem and early treatment.

Has your dog been vaccinated?

the explicated cough sounds like the common cold in dogs. Many infectious diseases are characterized by a dry, hacking cough. To determine if your dog is infected by this, the vet will usually extract a sample by taking fluid from the throat with a needle. If the mucus makes a glob accord, the dog is probably infectious.

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