Everything about Siberian Cat Personality Traits
Siberian cats are native cats of Siberia and can be considered as an ancient natural breed of cats. These cats have a very thick protective furry coat that makes them resilient to survive in Taiga of Siberia, a region with a subarctic climate. This cat breed has been known in Russia for 1000 years, as portrayed by their mention in Folk tales of Russia. This article will tell you about the Siberian Cat Personality traits, history, ad health conditions in detail.
History Of The Siberian Cat Personality Traits
It is a historical cat breed, previously known as Siberian Forest Cat. Some researchers have a point that Siberian cats were first produced by mating between wild forest cats and cats brought from Vologda. It is believed that the Siberian cat is an ancestor cat of many cat breeds we know today.
Siberian Cat Personality Traits
Physical features
Siberian cat is very strong with a muscular and dense body structure. They have large beautiful eyes, round paws, medium-sized ears, and a fluffy tail. The prevalent eye colors in the Siberian cat breed are golden, green, and copper. They can jump easily because their front legs are slightly smaller than their hind legs. The facial features of Siberian cats, especially their round eyes, make their overall expressions cute.
Siberian cats come in multiple shades and colors; besides this, they can also exhibit a variety of patterns or streaks on the fur coat.
Size and Weight
Siberian cats are medium-sized cats with an average weight of 8 to 17 pounds.
Temperament and Behaviour
- Siberian cats are active cats, and they like to play with other pets & kids.
- They are adventurous and would show their athleticism by climbing and jumping from heights. They can also be trained for catwalks.
- It is one of the most caring and affectionate cat breeds that love to be cuddled. It will stay loyal to you and will stay around you most of the time, no matter what you are doing.
- You can expect your Siberian cat to greet you with welcoming gestures when you come back home.
- Your Siberian cat will not shy away from a stranger; neither will it be reserved. Instead, it will try to get familiar with strangers.
- They have extraordinary energy levels 24/7 with minimal sleep requirements.
- These cats are very intelligent & inquisitive; therefore, they can also learn & play mentally stimulating games. You can train them with puzzles and interactive toys.
- Your Siberian cat will stay calm and will not make unnecessary sounds. You can only listen to its “Purr” when it wants attention or something is bothering your cat.
- Siberian cats like to be dealt with as independent cats, needing their own space & time.
Grooming Session For Siberian Cats
These cats have layers of furry coats, so you need to comb them several times a week. Besides this, they need to be bathed at least once in 6 months.
Regular cleaning is recommended for ears as their ears are prone to infections. The chances of getting an infection can also be minimized by using an antiseptic powder.
Do not allow your Siberian cat to have frequent sunbath as warm weather can cause excessive shedding of fur.
Interesting Facts About Siberian Cats
Here are some interesting facts about Siberian cats.
- Siberian Cats have been a part of children’s books & folktales
- These cats have been starred in English & American cat shows.
- It needs 5 years to develop into a mature & adult Siberian cat.
- Siberian cats have got recognition by The International cat Association.
- These cats are water-loving and would like to get their fur wet.
- The Siberian cats survived World War II: they were almost near to getting extinct.
- Siberian cats are hypoallergenic, and this trait makes them unique from other cat breeds.
- The life expectancy of a Siberian cat is around 11 to 15 years.
Health Conditions Of Siberian Cats
Siberian cats are physically strong and healthy, so they do not get sick more often. However, if you want to pet a Siberian cat, you need to know about the following health conditions.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Because of their genetic makeup, Siberian cats are predisposed to Cardiomyopathy. It causes the heart muscles of the cat to thicken, ultimately reducing pumping ability.
Kidney disease
It is a hereditary disease that causes cysts development in kidneys ending up in renal failure sometimes.
Urinary tract disease
The formation of stones inside the urinary tract of the cat can lead to urinary tract infections.
Oral diseases
Brushing the teeth is very important in this cat breed as it is prone to oral diseases: affecting gums & teeth.
Siberian cats have all the right reasons to be your domestic cat. The ability to be loyal, compassionate, full of affection, and independent at the same time is what makes Siberian Cat Personality traits more worthwhile.